A PLUS ! is a ten-minute, cheerful and educational TV children's show. Throughout the show the hosts are three characters, a BEAR and a visiting Animal, each time a different GUEST, such as: Mouse, Beaver, Rabbit, Fox, Turtle, Owl, Wolf, Hedgehog, Eagle, Swallow, Stork, Roe Deer…) and the host, Fairy AQUANA.
In each show, Fairy, Bear and the Guest Animal, talk in a cheerful and friendly way about everyday environmental problems on Earth, about cleanliness, about health, about the right way of living life, growing up and socializing, about healthy food, about love for family, for friends, about respect for the community in which they live, about keeping customs and traditions, about the need for learning and for honest work.
Fairy - AQUANA initiates conversation, asks questions and requests answers from BEAR and Animal GUEST, answers the ENVIRONMENT cell phone and answers children's questions, gets their advice or complaints regarding ecology. All three characters, BEAR, GUEST and WATER are in a large balloon basket, floating and traveling through the sky over cities, villages, mountains, seas and rivers, so they look at it and identify environmental problems, behavior of people and children, and they are actually like some traveling-flying celestial inspection! They also have binoculars, so that they can take a better look.
Within each show-episode, children have the opportunity to see an animated short video with appropriate music, in which the characters are the forest animals on the topic discussed in the show, with the introduction and explanation of all three hosts of the show. Each of the videos, as well as each show-episode are a topic by itself, but they can also be followed on a continuous basis, so that the events from the shows and the events from the video clips are connected by characters that make an interesting and educational fit into the mosaic of all the shows and all the animated music videos.
Fairy AQUANA reads short letters received from children, as do BEAR and the GUEST Animals, giving positive examples and speaking commendably about schools, streets, neighborhoods, cities that stand out for their cleanliness.
A PLUS! should be a children's TV show, through which the children's attention, but also their parents', is kept in a clear and interesting way during 10 minutes, and the most appropriate time slots would certainly be on a Saturday or Sunday morning.
A PLUS ! jeste deset minutna, vedra i edukativna TV dječja emisija. Voditelji kroz emisiju jesu tri lika, MEDVJED i gostujuća Životinja, svaki puta druga ,kao GOST- npr : Miš, Dabar, Zec, Lisica, Kornjača, Sova, Vuk, Jež , Orao, Lastavica, Roda, Srna …) , te i voditeljica , Vila VODANA. U svakoj emisiji, Vila, Medvjed i gostujuća životinja, na vedar i simpatičan način
govore o svakodnevnim ekološkim problemima na Zemlji, o čistoći, o zdravlju, o ispravnom načinu života, odrastanju i druženju, o zdravoj hrani, o ljubavi prema familiji, prema prijateljima, o poštovanju prema zajednici u kojoj se živi, o čuvanju običaja i tradicije, o potrebi za učenjem i za poštenim radom. Vila –VODANA inicira razgovor, postavlja pitanja i traži odgovore od MEDVJEDA i Životinje GOSTA, javlja se na EKOLOŠKI mobitel i odgovara na
pitanja djece, prima njihove savjete ili pritužbe vezane za ekologiju. Sva tri lika , MEDVJED, GOST i VODANA imaju veliku korpu s balonom, te s njom lebde i putuju nebom iznad gradova, sela, planina, mora i rijeka, pa razgledaju i utvrđuju ekološke probleme, ponašanje ljudi i djece , i oni su zapravo kao neka putujuća-leteća nebeska inspekcija ! Imaju i dvogled da mogu što bolje razgledati.
U sklopu svake emisije- epizode, djeca imaju priliku vidjeti animirani kratki spot s prigodnom muzikom, u kojem su likovi šumske životinje na temu o kojoj govori emisija uz uvod i objašnjenje sva tri voditelja emisije. Svaki taj video spot, kao i svaka emisija posebno, jesu jedna tematska cjelina, ali se mogu pratiti i u kontinuitetu, tako da dešavanja iz emisija, i dešavanja iz video spotova jesu povezana likovima koji čine zanimljiv i edukativan niz uklopljen u mozaik svih emisija i svih animiranih muzičkih spotova. Vila VODANA čita kratka pisma koja primaju od djece, ali isto tako i MEDVJED i GOST životinja , iznosi pozitivne primjere i pohvalno govori o školama, ulicama, kvartovima, gradovima koji se ističu svojom čistoćom .
A PLUS ! treba biti dječja TV emisija, kroz koju se u 10 minuta , na vedar i interesantan način drži pažnja djece, ali i njihovih roditelja, te bi najprikladniji termin svakako bio subotom, ili nedjeljom prijepodne.